본 내규는 ICT 플랫폼학회 논문지에 게재할 논문심사에 관한 사항을 규정함을 목적으로 한다.
논문이 투고되면 논문편집위원회(이하 위원회)의 위원장(이하 위원장) 및 부위원장은 본 학회의 설립목적과 일치하는 분야의 논문인가를 검토한 후, ICT 플랫폼 및 관련 분야의 논문이면 심사에
회부하고, 그렇지 않으면 그 사유를 명시하여 저자에게 반려한다.
부위원장은 투고논문의 관련주제에 해당되는 전문분야 편집위원에게 논문을 배정하며, 편집위원은 본 학회 논문심사위원 운영풀에서 논문 1편당 2인 이상의 심사위원을 선정하여 심사를
일련의 심사절차가 마무리 되면 해당 논문의 심사결과에 대해 위원장이 교신저자 및 지정된 투고자에게 통보한다.
위원회에서 게재 확정된 논문은 각 논문에 대하여 가장 먼저 기입된 저자를 제1저자로 하고 그 다음에 기입된 저자를 순서대로 제 2저자, 제 3저자 등으로 한다. 해당 논문에 대한 기여도는
교신저자가 따로 지정할 수 있으며, 이에 대한 결정은 교신저자가 책임을 진다. 논문편집 시 각 논문의 첫 페이지 하단에는 교신저자를 표기할 수 있다.
최종적으로 게재가로 판정된 논문에 대하여 교신저자는 논문집필요강을 준수하여 출판본 논문 양식에 맞춰 제출해야 한다. 그 후 위원회의 의결을 거쳐 게재순서 및 게재날짜 등 출판에 필요한 제반사항을
최종 결정하여 본 학회 논문지에 출판한다.
논문심사 위원 위촉에 관하여 위원회의 위촉내용은 외부에 공개하지 않는다.
논문의 심사료는 일반심사료의 경우 20,000원 그리고 긴급심사료의 경우 30,000원으로 한다.
국내외 저명과학자의 논문을 초청논문으로 게재할 수 있다. 이때 초청논문은 일반논문과 동일하게 심사된다. 다만, 국내외 저명과학자의 여부는 위원회에서 판단한다.
본 규정에서 정하지 않은 사항에 대하여는 편집위원회의 결정에 따른다.
(1) 본 규정은 2013년 5월 16일부터 시행한다.
This document provides a summary of the information necessary for submitting a manuscript. Authors are
requested to refer to the complete version on "Information for Authors" in Korean at
It accepts original research manuscripts in the academic and industrial fields of platform technologies
related with Information Communication Technology (ICT) and other applied fields in mathematics,
engineering and sciences to investigate specific methodologies and develop technologies that will
contribute to the development of the future infrastructure.
Among all authors of each submitted manuscript, the ICT Platform Society (ICTPS) recommends that at least
one should be a member of the ICTPS. If you have doubts during submission, contact the office of
An electronic version (MS Word DOC or PDF) should be written in English, intended for publication and
prepared as described in "Manuscript Requirements", along with a cover letter containing the
corresponding author's details. Authors are kindly requested to use our MS Word template for preparing
their manuscripts. All JPT style files for manuscript submission are available on our website at
http://jpt.ictps.org/. Manuscripts should be submitted via the online manuscript submission website,
with copyright transfer agreement and author’s checklist. Copyright transfer agreement gives a
permission to the ICTPS to publish their manuscript to the JPT.
Criteria for acceptance will be appropriateness to the field of the Journal, as described in the Aims
and Scope, taking into account the merit of the content and presentation. The number of pages of
submitted manuscripts is limited to 20 (using the appropriate Word). Manuscripts should be clearly
written. Abstracts should be self-contained and informative of what was learned from the research.
Rigorous argument and presentation are expected throughout.
There is no strict limit on the number of articles that may be submitted by the same author(s). However,
it is our journal's policy to provide an opportunity for all interested and quality authors to publish
their research results in our journal. Therefore, the Editorial Board retains the right, depending on
the circumstances, to reject all submissions featuring the same author(s) that appear too frequently
during the course of the year.
Manuscripts will be refereed in the manner customary with scientific journals before being accepted for
publication. Upon receiving a manuscript, three members or less including the associate editor of the
Editorial Board will examine it and if the manuscript is out of scope of the journal or does not meet
the basic criteria for a journal article, it will be immediately rejected without further review (please
note that this process may take up to one month to complete due to the large number of received
submissions). Otherwise, the Editor-in-Chief will solicit reviews from two external referees. In this
case, the author’s name and affiliation is not disclosed during review process to the reviewers. Based
on the reviews, the Editor will make the decision on manuscript acceptance, or solicit additional
reviews if the decision in unclear.
A review consists of 6 parts: (1) originality of the paper, (2) technical soundness, (3) significance,
(4) clarity of presentation, including the style and English, (5) relevance to the JPT journal, and (6)
length (relative to the useful contents of the paper). Associated with each of the above 6 parts should
be a rating from -2 to 2 with 0 being the average as follows:
The review process can be repeated till two times if the request of revision is suggested by reviewers.
If the re-review is repeated more than one time, it may not be considered for publication. If all
reviewers do not agree to accept the journal, it may not be also considered for publication. Usually the
first review process ends within two months. The reviewer should make a recommendation to the handling
editor, stating whether he/she thinks that the paper is acceptable, or what could be done to make it
acceptable. The overall recommendation might be:
The decision on the editing of the journal is made by the Editorial Board. The manuscript may be revised
for the consistency of the editorial work as far as the content is not affected. Every manuscript
submitted is not returned.
Manuscript Format
The template and instructions can be downloaded at TEMPLATE (DOC, 172 KB).
Statement of Copyright Transfer
The template and instructions can be downloaded at TEMPLATE (PDF, 1,994 KB).
Leaders Bldg., 1502, 63 ChungAng-ro, Seocho-gu, Seoul 302-120, Republic of Korea
E-mail: ictps.staff@gmail.com
URL: http://www.ictps.or.kr